Life goes on ...
Felt it time I wrote an update as have been very quite on here, infact every where as I have not been on Twitter much or on Patreon because as you all know I fell into the depression trap.
Well I am making progress but found out it may just be a family thing that I have to deal with more as I get older. It turns out my dad had used to heavily sufferer with something that is referred to as SAD - Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern.
SAD is sometimes known as "winter depression" because the symptoms are usually more apparent and more severe during the winter.
Symptoms of SAD can include:
a persistent low mood
a loss of pleasure or interest in normal everyday activities
feelings of despair, guilt and worthlessness
feeling lethargic (lacking in energy) and sleepy during the day
sleeping for longer than normal and finding it hard to get up in the morning
craving carbohydrates and gaining weight
For some people, these symptoms can be severe and have a significant impact on their day-to-day activities.
My dad used to get this as soon as the clocks changed in the winter and that is around the time I got it this year. I have all the above apart from the feeling of disappear. It also turned out my dad was also a naturist when he was abroad. Often my parents would stay in a textile resort but would drive to a naturist or secluded beach so my dad could be nude. Strange the things you find out about somebody after they are gone, it turned out that depression took a back grip on him as well as becoming ill he took his own life by commuting suicide by jumping from the beauty spot of Beachy Head Cliff in Sussex - only a 15 min drive from my home.
Myself, no that is not an option. I just need to find ways to stay happy over the winter to lift my mood out of the gloom and the main one is being nude. So talking about being nude, here I am typing this
I am trying to be more positive and have implemented changes in my lifestyle. I am no longer anymore than a regular member of the local nude swim group that swim every Sunday in Seaford, East Sussex. ( ). I felt it was the right time to stand down from my duties as i have so much to do in my life i was feeling overwhelmed so had to lighten the load. I have not been back swimming with them yet as i have a lot of things to sort out so lack the spare time to swim currently as well as feel it may still be a bit awkward if I go and I may not be over welcomed yet.
The online shop on here will close after I finish this blog so by the time you read this it will be gone forever. I was making a loss from it continually and it was becoming just burden when things went wrong which happened from time to time.
I am trying to get out to make a nude video about the new second hand van that I have before i start taking it apart to convert tot a camper van to travel around the England to naturist camp sites. Trouble is that the weather is cooler now, 4 degrees today, and i also need to locate a quite place t drive to so i can do the video nude as i cant do it behind my home as it would be a bit much. i do take the rubbish out nude regularly now to the bin but standing doing a nude video blog is being a bit much
My bad back still is giving me issues and restricting me from doing a lot of things. i have a couple of videos to make but find it difficult to do them when i am in so much pain from my back so have been putting them off.
I still go outside each day for my coffee nude regardless of the weather. I have been out there in freezing temps, rain, high winds, etc. I have noticed now that a new neighbor gets up round the same time and has a couple of times been stood looking at me. I presume they have no issue with me being nude but probably think I am a bit crazy
When I finish work and get home it is already dark so going out for nude evening walks is a no go now. Same can be said for the mornings as it is just getting light so if I get up earlier to go for a walk it is dark. I dont have many friends that are naturists as if I did I would have them round for coffee etc and for a chat in the evenings … infact I may pop that on the swim clubs Facebook page and see if people want to come round for nude takeaway evenings as i feel so alone in the evenings. Yes I know I am not but where I am single it can feel so lonely in the dark evenings and it would be nice to have someone to chat to over a takeaway etc.
Well I am going to go and read up all i can on the latest things in he naturist world online and see what is happening out there in warmer brighter places as well as make plans for my sons 16th birthday next weekend - I feel so old now !
Will post again shortly
Best wishes